Saturday, September 15, 2012

finally TRANSFORMED!!!

Was I telling a little white lie on my last post?... I said I would be posting pics soon... is 6 months later soon? I've been so busy setting up shop that I haven't had any time for my poor little blog. I've also been busy decluttering & organizing my studio so when I finally find time to create I'm ready to go. I would love to show you some pics but it's still quite messy, very much NOT like those lovely studios in one of my fave magazines "Where Women Create".  One of my dreams is to someday have a studio that looks like it jumped out of the pages of the magazine but I digress... here after all this time are the pics of the transformation of the building I TADA'd into la TaDa! vintage boutique & creative studio.

check it out!

Imagine, Create, Believe!

Miss Laura

la TaDa!

vintage boutique & creative studio

1811 - 20th Avenue, MAINSTREET

website coming soon (under construction)

1 comment:

  1. Ooh la la and a huge WOW! Your shop looks good enough to eat Laura! Eye candy galore! Happy autumn and let this glorious season bring a change to our interior decor as well! Colette
